
I consider myself a scrap artist, always collecting small, found materials along the way. My studio is filled with jars of string. I work with whatever comes into my hands or whatever I can get my hands on. Fiber, clay, random bits I clean from the river.
I believe deeply in the significance of beauty and the importance of filling one's space with objects that give pause for moments of reflection and appreciation.

A central theme in my work is stealing time. I mean this in the most heroic way. Reclaiming moments in the day for the work to come forward is both a vital and rebellious act. It is an act of resistance to clear space amongst the relentless pace of modern life, pushing into the current to reach what feels sacred and true. The process isn’t solely about making art; it’s about creating the conditions for the artwork to emerge.

What is it like to make work that points to the elements; to the movement of air, to the shadow and color of light, to a bowl that holds the rain. It is not a question that I ever will need to know the answer to. Rather, living the questions informs the work. To remain curious, to remain open, soft and curious… that is the real work.